About Us
We are husband and wife duo, Jimmy and Jessica, based just south of Atlanta, Georgia.
We have always considered ourselves “foodies” and enjoyed traveling all over for the best and most unique foods. One of our first memories of food that excited us was on our Hawaiian honeymoon. We happened upon a bakery that sold Portuguese donuts and could not stop eating them.
We started visiting doughnut shops and bakeries of all kinds and fell in love with doughnuts after that. Anytime we made future travel plans, we always began by researching where to find doughnuts or other scratch made baked goods.
Early into our marriage, Jimmy dreamed of having his own doughnut shop, so we prayed and waited for several years before the Lord opened a new opportunity for us. We sold our first home in Georgia and moved to Florida, where Jimmy had the opportunity to learn about the baking industry and gain working experience from one of our favorite artisanal, scratch-made bakeries.
While in Florida, Jimmy would practice making doughnuts and other baked goods at home on his days off. One of the first times he made doughnuts, our oldest daughter Gracelyn, who was almost 2 at the time, walked out of her bedroom to see breakfast on the table. She sat at her seat, saw a chocolate frosted doughnut with sprinkles on top, and got huge eyes and a big smile as she exclaimed “FINKLES! I like ‘em, finkles!” The word finkles became a frequently used term in our home, and making doughnuts became a regular occurrence. After spending a year and a half learning in Florida, we decided to come back “home” and make Finkles Bake Shop a reality.
We have seen the Lord’s hand all over our story from the beginning of our relationship to the beginning of our bakeshop business. We want to use our talents in a way that pleases Him, and we want Him to have all the glory from this adventure.